Integrative Offerings

Somatic approaches of different kinds have been practiced for centuries. Fundamentally, yoga and meditation can be considered somatic therapies, and both are customized according to the needs of the individual in our sessions.

Energy Psychology, Somatic Approaches & Applied Kinesiology

Energy Psychology

Energy psychology (also known as cognitive somatic practices) is a family of mind-body methods that rapidly reduce stress and trauma while increasing calm. It has been shown to be evidenced based, cost effective and empowering for clients.

Energy psychology integrates well with other methods and includes self-help techniques. 

Somatic Approaches

Somatic approaches emphasize helping people develop resources within themselves in order to self-regulate their emotions, or to move out of the fight/flight/freeze response and into a higher-functioning mode where they can think more clearly.

The goal is to help free the client from what is preventing them from fully engaging in their lives.

Applied Kinesiology

Applied kinesiology (muscle testing) allows us to identify the stresses and imbalances within our bodies. A majority of our physical, emotional, and mental processing occur outside of our awareness, making muscle testing an effective way to pinpoint key happenings at an unconscious level.

It also grows trust, confidence and intuition.

What is Energy Psychology?

Energy psychology or cognitive somatic practices are a family of mind-body methods that rapidly reduce stress and trauma while increasing calm.

Calming the body (where stress is stored) is a missing key to unlocking rapid change. 

Energy psychology (EP) methods combine cognitive interventions with somatic techniques that influence the human bio-energy systems such as meridians, chakras and the biofield to elevate physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. 

These methods can be used to facilitate transformational change at many levels, including: 

  • Resolving trauma, anxiety and other challenges

  • Working and living in flow  

  • Improving performance in the arts, sports, school and business 

  • Living with greater connection, love and clarity 

Source: ACEP Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology

What are Integrative Somatic Approaches?

Through developing awareness of the mind-body connection and using specific interventions, somatic approaches help to release strong emotions that remain in the body from past negative experiences.

Physical Awareness is a key part of somatic interventions. A practitioner might help the client get into a mindful state by asking them to notice certain things: If they are upset, what is it in their body that tells them they are upset? Is it a tightening in the stomach? Or a dark feeling in the chest? Then the practitioner asks the client to focus on those sensations.

Centering is a foundational practice in somatic approaches in which a person develops a calm home base in the body. It is achieved through building awareness of one’s muscles, breath, and mood. By slowing down one’s breathing, patients are able to “feel” more of what’s going on around and inside them.

Bodywork can also involve breathing patterns and guided meditation.

Source: Psychology Today


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